Galerie d'images :

Affiches soviétiques (1920-1941)



« The Soviets and electrification make up the base of the new world. » (1924)


« There is no revolutionary movement out of revolutionary theory. » (1927)


« Only a party armed with an advanced theory can fight succesfully. » (1927)


« Lenin and electrification. » (1925)


« "The Russia of the NEP will become Socialist Russia" (Lenin). » (1930)


« "The Russia of the NEP will become Socialist Russia" (Lenin). » (1930)


« Socialist construction under Lenin's banner. » (1930)


« Workers, you ask what to read ? Of course, the newpaper Rabotchaya Moskva [Worker's Moscow] ! » (1920s)


« Lengiz Publishers. Books in all fields of knowledge. » (1925)


« The Red Army soldier, bring books of Gosizdat Publishers into every house. The book is light and knowledge. » (1925)


« The activist study. » (1927)


« All questions of industrial construction, economic and political life are highlighted in Torgovo-Promyshlennaya Gazeta [Trade and industrie Gazette]. » (1929)


« A new magazine. Borba za techniku [Struggling for Technical Equipement]. » (1931)


« Radio. Let us create a single will from the will of millions. » (1925)


« Beat ! The enemy of culture revolution. » (1930)


« Do you help to liquidate illiteracy ? » (1925)


« Every femele cook should learn to govern the state (Lenin). » (1925)


« Women workers, come under the banner of the VKP (the All-Union Communist Party). Long live to the international day of working women, 8th of March. » (1926)


« The womean worker ! The peasant woman ! 8th of March is the international review of female working revolutionary masses. » (1929)


« International Day of Women Workers is the day of a review of a socialist competition. » (1930)


« Down the kitchen slavery ! You go for a new way of life. » (1931)


« 8th of March is the fighting holiday of the women of the whole world. » (1932)


« Women workers join the rows of active participants of the production and social life of the country ! » (1933)


« Read the magazine Molodaya gvarddiya [The Young Guard] ! » (1924)


« It is a long way to march and not a single wall must be overcome. Be ready to replace old people — read the magazine Smena [The New Generation] ! » (1924)


« Be ready to fight for the working cause. I'm always ready. » (1926)


« The Komsomol members, join the shock sowing campaign. » (1931)


« For the many millions of the Lenin Komsomol menmbers. » (1931)


« The Komsomol member in a collective farm be exemplary in mastering technical equipment !. » (1932)


« Long live the multi-million-member Leninist Komsomol ! » (1932)


« Prepare worthy sucessors to the Lenin Komsomol. » (1933)


« Lenin and Trade Union. The Trade Union is a school of Communism. » (1925)


« History of international Trade Union movement. Sheet No 3. » (1927)


« We were marching, are marching and will be marching by Lenin's way. Work on the 7th Congress of the USSR Trade Unions. » (1927)


« The USSR Trade Union are the great avant-garde detachment of world labour movement. » (1932)


« Diagrams after the report of comrade Stalin at the 15th Congress of the VKP (Bolsheviks). To the victory of Communism in our country ! To the victory of communism in the whole world ! » (1927)


« Let us pay our coal debt to our country. » (1930)


« Let's fulfil the plan of the great work. » (1930)


« 2 + 2 = 5. The arithmetic of an industrial-financial counter-plan plus enthusiasm of workers. » (1931)


« Subscription for the year 1932 is open. For the grand art of Bolshevism. » (1931)


« Under the banner of Lenin for the 2nd five-year plan. » (1931)


« To use the free hands of collective farmers in industrie. » (1931)


« As a result of state-farm and collective-farm construction the USSR became the country of the most powerful agriculture in the world. » (1931)


« Shock workers of the fields, engage in fighting for the socialist reconstruction of agriculture ! » (1932)


« Shock workers of the factories and collective farms ! Join the rows of the VKP (Bolsheviks) ! » (1932)


« Let us win the drought by the bolshevik will. » (1933)


« More fire at the class enemy ! » (1933)


« Spartacus Games. August 1928, Moscow. » (1927)


« Let us have more day nurseries ! Successors are growing. » (1930)


« For the socialist "foundry" of health. For a proletarian park of culture and rest. » (1932)


« To live in a civilized way means to work with high productivity. » (1932)


« Let's develop the large-scale building of canteens ! » (1932)


« The five-year plan for communications. » (1927)


« The developpement of transport is one of the main tasks of the five-year plan. » (1929)


« Transport worker, having equipped yourself with technical knowledge, struggle for the reconstruction of transport. » (1931)


« Aviazot will help you to master advanced technical equipment. For the technical and economic independance of the USSR. » (1932)


« Over the Soviet land must and will flight Soviet dirigibles ! Let us create powerful Soviet dirigible production. » (1932)


« Free Railway Society "For the Master of Technical Equipment". » (1933)


« Entire Moscow is engaged in building the Metro. Let us complete the first line of the world's best Metro for the 17th anniversary of the October Revolution. » (1934)


« We do have the metro ! » (1935)


« "Personnel means everything" (I. Stalin). » (1935)


« Red Moscow is the heart of the proletarian world revolution. » (1921)


« Long live the 1st of May, the holiday of labour. Proletarian of all the world, unite ! » (1929)


« Working people of all countries and oppressed colonies. Stand up under the banner of Lenin ! » (1932)


« "The aim of the Union is an overthrow of the bourgeoisie, the supremacy ot the proletariat and the elimination of old bourgeois society based on class opposition" (Karl Marx). » (1932)


« Sound Film Moscow. » (1933)


« Long live worldwide October ! » (1933)


« Long live our sublime socialist Motherland. Long live our great Stalin ! » (1935)


« Rise higher the banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin ! » (1936)


« Work with no fear, your rifle is near. » (1920)


« Close ties with working people is a guarantee of the might of the red army. » (1927)


« The Red Army is a school of citizenship. » (1927)


« The Red Fleet is a defense of the USSR from enemies. » (1927)


« For the defense of the USSR. » (1930)


« The Osoviakhim members prepare to defend the USSR in joined maneuvers with RKKA. » (1930)


« Long live the Red Army, an armed detachment of the proletarian revolution. » (1933)


« Youngs, go by planes ! » (1934)


« Long live the worker's and peasant's Red Army, the true guard of Soviet frontiers ! » (1935)


« Long live our dear and invicible Red Army ! » (1939)


« Stalin'n' spirit inspire and defend our Army and Motherland ! » (1939)


« Moscow is the capital of the USSR. » (1940)


« To guard the Fatherland is a sacred duty of every citizen of the USSR ! » (1941)


« All for the victory ! All for the front ! » (1941)



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